

If you or others are finding your child difficult to understand, then they might be having trouble making the oral movements necessary to produce sounds in words.

It is normal for some sounds to develop later than others, but of course it is natural as a parent to be worried, particularly if comparing to siblings or other children at playgroups or school.

At The Speech Nook we will look at the sounds your child can say, and if needed establish a therapy program to target ones that are missing or being spoken differently. Or give you the reassurance that your little one is on the right track!


Some children need extra support to learn to read and write accurately and efficiently, beyond what can be taught in a large classroom setting. We will work with your child’s teacher to identify where the breakdown is occurring when your child reads, and provide a comfortable space to target these skills and help your child to enjoy reading.

Our synthetic systematic phonics approach will equip your child with the tools they need to read and write any word they come across.


Our little ones are communicating with us well before their first word. If you are concerned that your baby or toddler is not babbling, talking or interacting as well as others their age, we can help you to help them.

Or perhaps your older child is having trouble expressing what they are thinking or what they need? Maybe they are having difficulty following directions in the classroom, or having challenges with written tasks. Then language therapy may help. Language includes both understanding and production of words and sentences.


Sometimes the words don’t come out smoothly. Stuttering affects the flow of speech and it may sound like your child’s words are ‘stuck’, or they might frequently repeat a sound or word. It is important to treat stuttering early, so if you have concerns please get in touch.

We will work as a team to help your child speak smoothly.